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War War I poster. Black silhouettes of soldiers at top. Poster reads, "WAR RALLY/ UNDER AUSPICES OF/ CONNECTICUT STATE/ COUNCIL OF DEFENSE/ Colonial Hall, Litchfield/ DECEMBER 14, 1917, AT 8.00 P.M./ Speakers:/ REV. DR. F.S. LUTHER DR. VALERIA H. PARKER/ of Hartford of Hartford/ LEARN how the Kaiser's program of conquest has been carried through/ thus far by years-old schedule; Why Germany wants peace now; The meaning of the latest events in Europe; What Prussian Victory would/ mean to America; What YOU can do to help America win the war/ and bring enduring peace to the whole world./ BOYS IN FRANCE STAND FOR AMERICA;/ COME OUT AND LINE UP BEHIND THEM!"
Date Made
19" x 25.25"
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