Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Waste Bowl
Object Number
2012-11-1 E
Baluster form silver waste bowl on pedestal foot. Stylized repeating leaf pattern around top and bottom of base, and on rim. A "D" for Deming engraved on one side of the body. "J.D.P." for Julius Deming Perkins engraved on the opposite side of the body. This waste bowl is part of a five piece tea service give to Julius Deming Perkins for his marriage in 1868 by his aunt, Lucretia Deming. The date of the piece, along with engravings and family tradition indicate that the tea service was likely owened by Julius Deming during his life and then passed down through the family. Estate inventories in the Litchfield Historical Society archives indicate that Julius Deming owned various pieces of silver, inclding a possible multi-piece tea service at the time of his death.
Date Made
H 10"
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