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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Dr. Abel Catlin (1770-1856)
Object Number
Oil on canvas 3/4 length portrait of Dr. Abel Catlin, (1770-1856) as elderly man, high forehead, whisps of white hair, deep set blue eyes, wrinkled face, wearing a black jacket with wide cut lapels, high white collar and white cravat, dark background. Framed - wood painted gold with wide molding.
Dr. Abel Catlin was born in 1770 in Litchfield, the son of Avis Buell (1744-1807) and Thomas Catlin, Jr. (1737-1829), married Jerusha, (1764-1805), both Abel and Jerusha are buried in the East Cemetery. He adopted Elizabeth (Betsey) Catlin after her father (his brother) Truman Catlin and wife passed away. Betsey attended the Litchfield Female Academy and painted a large mourning watercolor in 1810 (1943-01-0)
Date Made
ca. 1850
Painting: 32 1/4" x 25 1/2"; Frame: 39 1/2" x 36 1/4"
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