Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Military Hat
Object Number
Olive drab wool garrison cap, World War II era. Maroon and tan silk cording along folded edge. Khaki cotton band inside along outer edge. No lining.
Reno Luzi (1922-2016) was a first-generation American born to an Italian family in Bantam. He attended the Pratt Institute in 1941 to study architecture, and joined the Army Reserve in 1942 before being assigned to active duty in 1943. During his training, he took a course in blueprint creation, and after being deployed to Europe he was assigned to a unit tasked with creating blueprints to repair infrastructure in Northern France and the Rhineland. He was in Reims when the German command issued its surrender in the city in 1945, and was discharged in 1946.
Date Made
Overall length 10.5", height 5"
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