Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
1915-09-8 A,B,C
A: Steel die; six individual ones all of same design which have been tied together with a thin steel wire; design is floral and predomiantely in one corner; each piece has an incised line in one side near bottom of die B: Steel die; four individual ones all of same design which have been tied together with a thin steel wire; design has two lines which start at top center and move away from each other ending in a curly que at end; two swirled lined underneath this at center; each individual die has two incised lines of same size near bottom C: Single die; top has floral like design predominately in one corner; two incised lines of same size near bottom
Date Made
early 19th century
A: 2" long x 1" wide x 1/4" deep B: 1" long x 1/8" wide x 1/16" deep C: 1" long x 1/8" wide x 3/16" deep
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