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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Mary Floyd Tallmadge Seymour (1831-1917)
Object Number
Oil on canvas of older woman seated in a wooden arm chair. She is facing slightly to the right. The paintings shows 3/4 of her body. She is wearing a dark purple dress with a lace blouse or insert at the neckline and down the front of the chest. High collar. She has a while shawl wrapped around her arms. One arms rests in her lap while the other is on the arm rest. Her hair is grey, parted down the middle and pulled back from her face. There is a brown colored headband in her hair at the crown of her head. The frame is wooden but painted black with gold border on the outer most edge and inside edge next to canvas. In each corner and at center of each side is a gold painted scrolled decoration.
Date Made
ca. 1915
canvas 36 1/2" long x 28 1/4" wide frame 45" long x 37 1/4" wide x 1 1/4" deep
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