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White ceramic mug in a tankard style. Large, single-curve handle with straight top. Mug has a narrow opening and widens towards base, with a recessed bottom. Narrow band of gold just below opening and above base, each with a band of repeated, raised tear-drop shapes below. At center on one side, in blue, is the logo for the town of Litchfield's 250th Anniversary celebration, showing a Native American and a colonist set in two rings of text, "1719 ANNIVERSARY 1969/LITCHFIELD, CONNECTICUT/250 YEARS" in the first, with the second containing the marks of the fourteen Native representatives and two colonial negotiators who signed the 1715 deed granting land to Litchfield's settlers. On bottom, embossed manufacturer's mark showing a mug within a rectangular border with letters "USA" above.
Produced as a souvenir for the town of Litchfield's 250th Anniversary celebration.
Date Made
Overall height 5.125", width 5", diameter 4.5"
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