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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
2023-20-1 a,b
Apron produced for a member of the Oliver Wolcott Council, Order of United American Mechanics. Apron (a) of white leather backed with blue cotton. Edges lined with (top to bottom) blue, white, and red twist fringe. Hand painted decoration on white leather, largely metallic paints outlined in red. On flap, "U.A.M.", and on main panel, "OLIVER WOLCOTT COUNCIL" in gold banner with text underneath, "No./59." around fraternal seal showing a compass and square around an arm holding a hammer. Apron has a separate tie (b) of blue silk twisted cord with tassels at each end.
Founded in Philadelphia in 1845 as the Union of Workers, the Order of American Mechanics was a fraternal organization that provided benevolent funds to its members (illness, funeral expenses, etc.). At least at its founding, the organization was largely anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic.
See LHS Archives, Litchfield Ephemera Collection, for a program produced by the Oliver Wolcott Council in Litchfield in 1891.
Date Made
Overall length 18.75", width 14"
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