Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
1994-03-1 a-e
Boxwood flute in 4 pieces, each piece with ivory band at connecting juncture, brass mechanism, each piece is stamped "A. HOPKINS/LITCHFIELD/CONN"
The flute was examined by Barbara Hopkins - a flute researcher and player of period music - she believes it was made for a left handed flute player. The keys are turned around making it difficult if not impossible for a right handed player to use the flute. She also noted that the G sharp key is missing and a C key had been added at a later time. The design and style of the C key is different from the other three keys - the F natural, B flat, and D sharp. She noted that the head joint of flute is unlined (some Hopkins flutes are lined with metal) and that the mouth hole has been moved. The original mouth hole has been plugged and the new hole positioned slightly to the side of the original. She also noticed that from the wear marks to the varnish that it appears someone did try and play the flute right handed. She said they would have had to have adapted their style and way of holding the flute to accommodate the unusual placement of the keys. She had never seen a left handed flute before.
Date Made
30 1/2" long
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