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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Oil Painting - Landscape
Object Number
Oil on canvas landscape painting of a distant city on a hill, waterfall with arched bridge, lake and mountains on the right. In foreground a stream runs to left from lake in middle distance. On left is a stone arch and tower with a turbulant stream. In back a high hill atop of which is a castle. Tall trees in center. Off to right a city on a lake, and in distance, mountains. Cows in forefront. In a molded gilt frame with cast leaves on edge.
Almira Collins Giddings moved to the west with her family in 1822. See LHS MSS of Delia Storrs letter of 8/3/1822. There are other objects in the collection by Almira, probably all completed after she left Litchfield. She had attended the Litchfield Female Academy, c. 1805, and later taught art at the school.
Date Made
ca. 1835
25 1/2" x 32 1/4" framed 22 1/4" x 29" canvas
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