Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Camera Filter and Box
Object Number
2014-12-3 A,B
Small, circular yellow camera filter. The glass filter is mounted in a bakelite cell with a metal flange. Original box covered in a yellow paper label. Label printed in black. Top reads, "KODAK/ COLOR SCREEN/ For Nos. 1 and 1A F.P./ Kodaks, Nos. 2 and 2A/ F.P. Brownies, No. 2/ Brownie, Vest Pocket/ Kodak, Regular/ EASTMAN KODAK CO.,/ Rochester, N.Y./ Mks Rg. U.S. Pat. Off." Ends of box read, "KODAK COLOR SCREEN."
This camera filter was likely used by local photographer, Gladys Mattson.
Date Made
ca. 1910
Filter 1" diameter; Box 1 1/8" x 1 1/8"
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