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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Serving Spoon
Object Number
Serving spoon made for an unknown individual by Elisha Hempsted, a Litchfield silversmith. Coin silver spoon with deep, egg-shaped bowl and narrow stem that widens toward handle. Handle flares outward to form wide, rounded terminal. Engraved on handle, "CFC." Maker's mark on back of stem, "E. HEMPSTED" in rectangular stamp.
Elisha Hempsted (1796-1855), born in Hartford, worked as a silversmith and watchmaker in Litchfield from 1823 to 1855. He appears in an advertisement posted in the American Eagle on August 25, 1823, having "taken a shop a few rods west of the Court House."
Date Made
Overall length 8.375", width 1.75", height 0.875"
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