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Collection Record Detail

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Object Number
Aquamarine glass bottle, plain lip, pontil mark. Bottle vertically ribbed with inscription "Adams & Jefferson July 4 A.D. 1776" "Kensington Glass Works Phildelphia" 3 small stars after 1776 Obverse: image of George Washington, 3/4 view in uniform, facing left Reverse: American eagle, head turned to right. Shield with 7 bars on breast, wings partly raised and right foreshortened. Thunderbolt (5 arrows) in its right talons, large olive branch in left. Sun rays above eagle's head. Eagle stands on oval frame with inner band of 28 small pearls. Inscription: "General Washington" in semi-circle over bust Reverse inscription: "E Pluribus Unum" in semi-circle over sun ray. In oval frame "T.W.D."
Date Made
3" x 1 1/2" base; 7" high
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