Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
1912-02-5 A,B
A -Doll with head made of papier mache. Features painted on face. Stuffed cloth body. (not original - replacement of leather one) Hair on head of long brown curls. Doll wears brown and green printed dress with bloomers and red leather shoes B - Doll with head made fo papier mache. Features painted on face. Leather body, stuffed with wood chips and hand stitched close. Wooden arms and legs - attached to leather with srips of blue paper with adhesive. Legs and arms painted in flesh tones. Printed cotton dress - red with white cotton bloomers underneath
Dolls belonged to Mary Gibbons, daughter of Abraham Gibbons who was elected to the Assembly of Pennsylania 18 times from Chester County
Date Made
A-ca. 1835 B-ca. 1820
A 12" long B 11" long
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