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Object Name
Oil Painting - Uriah Tracy
Object Number
Full length oil on canvas portrait of Uriah Tracy (1755-1807), standing with right hand on hip, left hand resting on upright book that is on table that is covered in green felt cloth. Bookcase in right background, drapery to left. Wearing black satin breeches, waistcoat and jacket, and a white shirt with ruffled placket and cuffs.
SITTER: Uriah Tracy attended the Litchfield law School in 1778 and married Susan Bull of Hartford. He served as a congressman and senator. ARTIST: Ralph Earl was born in Worcester County, Massachusetts to a family of farmers and craftsmen. A Loyalist, Earl refused to fight during the Revolutionary War, eventually fleeing to England and leaving his wife and children. In England, Earl studied in the studio of well-known American artist and expatriate Benjamin West. He returned to America after the war with a new wife and established himself as a portraitist in New York. Alcoholism and growing debt landed Earl in prison from 1786 to 1788. With the aid of New York patrons, he regained his freedom through portrait commissions and settled in Connecticut. His straightforward portraits and occasional landscapes are noted for highlighting the achievements and material wealth of his Connecticut clientele.
Date Made
80" x 57"
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