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Aquamarine glass bottle, pint size, vertically ribbed (5), crude collared lip, pontil mark. Obverse: Masonic decoration - from a Masonic pavement rise 2 columns surrounded by archway with keystone in center; beneath keystone - all seeing eye and between columns radiant triangle enclosing letter "G" and above it open book with square and compasses. At left of columns, trowel with skull and crossbones beneath. At right is Jacob's ladder ascending to "cloudy canopy" or "star decked Heaven", represented by radiant quarter moon surrounded by seven stars at right beehive and at left crossed level and plumb line. 34 bricks in pavement. Reverse side: American eagle, head turned left; shield with vertical and horizontel bars on breast. Wings partly raised and left foreshortened. Thunderbolt (3 arrows) in the left talon, olive branch in the right. Above eagle ribbon with inscription "E Pluribus Unum". Beneath eagle oval frame with letters "IP" joined together (old fashioned J" The initials stood for Justus Perry.
Date Made
base 2 3/4" x 1 1/2"; 7 1/4" high
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