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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Military Hat
Object Number
Tall, cylindrical military cap, shako style. Body of hat leather, visor on front made of paper painted black on top and green on underside. Inter of hat, split leather lining tied with cord to prevent hat from sliding down on head. Black velvet band at bottom of hat, silver gilt band at top of hat. On front of body of hat is a circular red, white, and blue metal rosette or cockade and below is large decorative brass shako plate with Gallic cockerel standing on banners and swords and encircled with oak and leaves. Shield below with lions heads and flaring bomb in center, indicating the hat was issued to a grenadier. Two pieces of chin strap attached to either side of hat, gilded on outside. Hat would likely have had a colored pom pom at the top, attached to which would have been the gilded decorative chinstrap.
The cap style, Gallic cockerel motif, and red, white, and blue rosette match those found on shako caps issued by the French army in the first half of the 19th century.
Date Made
9 1/2" long x 8 1/2" wide x 9 1/2" wide
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