Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Object Number
2016-46-2 a,b
White clay tobacco pipe with smooth stem and raised decoration on bowl. One side of the stem has impressed lettering reading "78/WHITE" and the other "GLASGOW." The decoration on the bowl is of leaves or trees, formed by a u-shape at the bottom with a vertical line rising from the middle. Extending from the line are smaller, angled lines that grow shorted as the move toward the top. The lettering and decoration are all molded. It is possible that the stem has broken, as it appears shorter than extant examples. A section of the bowl is broken off, where the donor struck the pipe. The pipe also likely had a spur at the base of the bowl.
W. White or W. White & Son were producers and exporters of clay tobacco pipes in Glasgow in the nineteenth century. Examples of similar pipe stems to 2016-46-2 can be seen online. The pipe was found by the donor while digging a bed at 153 North Street, near the old bar. The house was built in 1863 as the parsonage for the Congregational Church.
Date Made
Length 4.25", Width 1.75"
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