Collections record

Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Mural Study - Lyman Beecher's Church
Object Number
Oil on board - scene of Lyman Beecher's Church with Female Academy and Law School students and townspeople in the foreground. The church is elevated in the background - white with a steeple. There is a red carriage on the right hand side pulled by two horses. Students mingle around scene. Clothing is not historically accurate - a more colonial revival portrait of the Litchfield past. There is a key to this picture identifying who each of the people are in the painting. The key is a rough sketch of the mural on paper, framed under glass.
This is a sketch done by the artist in preparation for a larger mural he installed in Alexander Liggett's home on North St. Photographs of the finished mural can be found in the Archives: Litchfield Historical Society Photograph Collection, Buildings and Landscapes, Nils Hogner Murals.
Date Made
32" x 37"
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