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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Pastel Portrait - Mary Perkins Quincy (1866-1921)
Object Number
Mary Perkins Quincy is seated in a chair and dressed in a formal dress of striped white silk printed with yellow bows. The skirt is full and corseted bodice is cut to a deep point in front. The shoulders have short puffed sleeves that change to lace and at elbows are cut in points. The bosom is covvered with the same lace and a yellow velvet rose on left. Thrown over the shoulders is a white cape with white lambs wool edging and a yellow satin lining. She holds a yellow rose in her right hand, the arm is bent to her shoulder and her elbow is resting on the arm of the chair. Her left arm hangs down over the other chair arm. She wears a double string of pearls and a large bonnet the top of which is decorated with large yellow velvet bows and yellow ostrich plumes. She has black hair worn long in the back and brown eyes.
Mary Perkins Quincy noted in her diary on Thursday, April 4, 1907, "The Man from Schaus arrives at noon bringing my life-sized pastel portrait from New Haven (by J. Wells Champney, 1892). It is hung on the staircase wall at 'Ardley'__ ".
Date Made
Canvas 48" long x 38" wide Frame 66" long x 48" wide
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