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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Print - "William Penn's Tready with the Indians"
Object Number
Engraving, black and white, depicts famous image of William Penn negotiating a treaty for land with Native Americans. Inscription below "Benj. West Pinxit (LL) John Boydell Execudit 1775 John Hall Sculpsit (LR)/William Penn's Tready with the Indians, when he hounded the Provice of Pensylvania in North America 1681/To the Proprietaries of the Provice of Pensylvania , &c. &c./This Print, Engraved from the Original Painting belonging to the late Thomas Penn Esquire/Published June 12, 1775 by John Boydell Engraver in Cheapside, London/The respectfully Inscribed by their obedient humble servant/John Boydell."
Date Made
27 3/4"H x 32"w framed
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