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Collection Record Detail

Object Name
Sketch - Deer
Object Number
Pencil sketch of an antlered deer lying beside a stream with willows in background. At top of drawing, in ink, "C.B.D. Napoleon Gimbrede 1831." C.B.D. stands for Clarissa Brainerd Deming, a student at the Litchfield Female Academy from 1830-1832.
Napoleon Gimbrede (b.1820; alternatively Gimbred; also referred to as Joseph Napoleon or J. Napoleon) was the son of Thomas Gimbrede (1781-1832), a French-born artist and engraver who become a drawing master and French teacher at West Point. Like his father, Napoleon became an engraver and was active in New York in the early 1840s. Outside of this piece, there is no record of Napoleon living in Litchfield or instructing at the LFA. However, in 1833, the Academy published a notice that a Miss Evelina Gimbred was to teach drawing, music, and French at the school. The notice mentions her and her mother, and describes her late father as a drawing instructor at West Point. There is no mention of Napoleon (who would be Evelina's brother) in their household, but it is possible that he came to Litchfield with his family and served either formally or informally as a drawing instructor. This notice can be found in Vanderpoel's Chronicles of a Pioneer School.
Label on reverse of frame reads "Presented to Clarissa B. Deming by her drawing master (Napoleon Gimbrede) at Miss Pierce School 1831."
Date Made
3 1/2" x 4 1/2" framed: 5 1/2" x 6 1/4"
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